
Donnerstag, 21. August 2014

Chiemsee Summer 2014 im Snapchatstyle

Yess.. I am back! After 6 Days Camping, Party and enjoying the festival! I just say! This Festival is one of the best I ever had! Nevermind that the weather was totally Sh.. My mood was still high every single day!! I didn't take much pictures because I wanted to see as much as possible through my eyes and experience everything with my whole attention. In the End the memories in your head are so much more important than the memories you get while taking a picture for afterwards, am I right? ;) So please excuse me for this short post.. or few pictures, but I still have to share some of my impressions :) So please enjoy! 

See u soon,

waiting in the rain to get my band 

new shoes ! - Lifesaver! but still dangerous, because I stucked several times in the slum :D

yes.. everything was dirty..

Camping? yep!

Sun is coming out!

Thees Uhlmann

rain + sun --> dancing in the rain under a rainbow while the sun is smiling at us :)

waiting in munich for 3 hours.. until the next train comes to drive me home..

beautiful sky!

I am totally loving Musicfestivals!

2014: awesome year! 

Montag, 4. August 2014


It's been a long time, I guess.. Sorry.. But here I am again. Back in Germany after sailing in holland for a week. Just say: I will definitely return to this beautiful country! Hope that you'll also enjoy these pictures ! 






Sailing Ship





Having a break .. wait until the water's gone to walk in the seeeaaaa :)

Evening - chilling

water - everywhere

about to stop at another haven 

Samstag, 26. April 2014


Wer ist eigentlich der Mensch hinter der Linse? / Who's the person behind the Camera? - It's  EGOSHOOTING TIME!!

see you soon,

Mein Spielplatz

Meine Stadt, mein Herz, meine Freude. Wie man vielleicht schon gemerkt hat, bin ich was das bloggen angeht, kein Mensch der gerne bis zum Mond reichend lange Texte schreibt. Vielleicht geht es nur mir so, aber dieses ganze bla bla, das auch mal ne halbe Stunde lang dauern kann kann, um es überhaupt mal zu durchgelesen, oder weggescrollt (übertrieben) zu haben raubt mir oft die Lust oder die Konzentration die ich viel lieber ins Bilderschauen investieren möchte. Kurz: es ist die Schönheit ,die ich an all diesen Orten sehe und die ich auch durch meine Bilder versuche zu übermitteln. Ich hoffe sehr, dass euch diese gefallen auch wenn dies wohlgemerkt nur sehr sehr wenige der vielen schönen Plätze die Leipzig zu bieten hat sind. Schöne Plätze mögen vielleicht anders aussehen. Für mich sind das aber einige der besten Spielplätze zum fotografieren. SPIELPLATZ! Und jetzt: Auf gehts ab gehts! Zieht sie euch rein! :)

My City, my soul, my happiness. You might have noticed that I don't like writing a really long story or text about my Pictures. Maybe I'm the only person but, I want to focus my Interest on the pictures so I can make my own Interpretation. And now, I hope you'll enjoy watching these pictures of my "playgrounds". Of course this city has so many other beautiful places. But these are some of the places I really enjoyed to take pictures of.

Always good Music there..

See you soon,

Donnerstag, 6. März 2014


Hello Again!

I know it's been a long time .. But well I hope you'll enjoy my new Post about Weimar and Erlangen. I don't want to write a very long text. Just have a look at these Pictures ;) 


See you soon,